It is time for an update of Mastro Pro and Mastro Expert. In addition to fixing some of the bugs found in the previous version (6.1.2), version 6.5 introduces several new features that we hope you will find useful.

Thanks again for trusting us and for spreading your good comments on our social networks.

Many of you have made requests. We retained them for the most part but we cannot fulfill all your wishes in a short time. Although not as complete as we would like, we believe that Mastro is different and complementary to the tools you already have.

For the future, we want to continue to process astrological information according to our probabilistic model and to become closer to a “collaborative” tool.

Here are the new features:

  • A new database named “Clients database”.

  • Increased speed of calculation and information processing.

  • More options in the “Appearance” tab in the preferences (“Tools" menu).

    • “Show the circle of aspects” allows to draw a permanent circle at the limit of the lines that make the aspects.

    • “Size of the Planets”. We added the size “Very large” and the ability to control the “Spacing” of the planets when they are grouped together.

    • “Color of date and time in the center”.

    • “Circle”. You can adjust the color of the circles and the thickness of the line.

    • “Degrees and minutes display”. You have three options: truncated degrees (21:56 to 21), rounded (21:56 to 22) or degrees-minutes. The seconds are displayed only in the center of the chart or in a floating panel.

  • Aspects: Aspect tracing has been modified so that dashed lines remain more visible than before. Also, in the “Aspects” tab we have added other features.

  • The “retrograde” symbol, previously “R”, is now “℞”.

  • “Tools” menu, addition of “Toolbars” with the sub-items “Curves” and “Orbs and Aspects”.

    • Curves. From left to right, the icons mean: “New Curve”, “View Curves”, “View Recent Curves”, “Select Planets and Angles” and “Analysis Options”.

    • Orbs and Aspects. From left to right, the icons mean: Zoom Level for Orbs, “All Aspects - Inner chart”, “All Aspects - Middle chart”, and “All Aspects - Middle chart with Inner chart”.

  • For the “Display Options”, toolbars are accessible with a right click on the sides of the toolbar.

  • Curves: The dictionary of available keywords is presented as a tree. Also, the curve presentation window offers several display options including the angle at which dates are displayed, the date range, and whether to display the cursor. Some parameters are adjustable by clicking on the “Setting” button.

  • In the data entry window for a new chart or for modifying the chart data, if we choose the type of time “LAT” (Local apparent time), Mastro proposes to convert the time into local mean time. Mastro does not work properly with “LAT” time. In case you have to enter a “LAT” time, for normal processing, do the conversion.

  • In the “Tools” menu, the “Interpretation Request” item offers two options for queries.

    • Factors => keywords. If the “Midpoints” option is selected, the window changes its appearance to present the “midpoint” of the form a = b / c (“Tools” menu, “Interpretation request” item):

    • Keywords => factors. You can search for one word, two words, or three words at a time. For example: “love” AND “grace” to further filter the signatures to remember.

  • Added converse solar arc progressions. Right click on the “PA” icon and choose between “Direct” or “Converse”.

  • Possible synchronization of dates and times between the chart of the middle ring and the outer ring. For instance if you have the transit at a given date in the middle ring and the tertiary progression in the outer ring, if you change the transit date (middle ring), the date of the card in the outer ring will be adjusted to that of the middle ring. In the panels on the right, a padlock indicates this synchronization. You can remove this time anchor link by clicking on the date or time in the center or elsewhere (floating panels or panels to the right) and uncheck “Use the same date...”.

  • Planets dragging: It is now possible to drag a planet on the Fc or the Dsc.

  • Print preview: All print preview dialogs in Mastro have a printer icon. This button did not trigger the print dialog in earlier versions of Mastro. Now, when you click the “printer” button in the print preview window, you automatically get the print dialog.

  • Analysis print: When you do a scan and get a tree, you have the choice to print that tree. To the right of the “Print” button, a dropdown menu shows the printing options. The “Print Chart” option will produce a “PDF” report with the active charts followed by the tree.

  • In the preferences (“Tools” menu, “Preferences” item) in the “General” tab, you can display the information (Name, Date, Time, Methods, and Degrees) at the center of the inner ring or in a floating panel. By default, the floating panel is displayed at the top left of the inner ring.

    You can change the position, content, and position of this panel by right clicking on the edge of the panel and selecting “Display Options”.

    For instance, if you choose the “Vertical” orientation and select “Anchored Panel (top, right)”, you will get the following layout.

    To put the data back to the center, you can select “Show data in the center” in the “Display options” window or in the preferences, in the “General” tab, select “In the Center of the Inner Chart”.

  • Visible aspects: In the preferences (“Tools” menu) in the “Planets” tab we added the “Visible Aspects” section. For a point to receive an aspect, it must be checked. However, if you place your cursor on the same point, the aspects starting from this point will be displayed. This feature only applies to the display and is primarily used to make a presentation. For example, if you want to print a chart with only the aspects that Mars and Venus receive, then you leave only those two planets checked. Then you display “All Aspects” and do Ctrl+C (Copy). Finally, in a Word document you do Ctrl+V (Paste).

    Don’t forget to check all the points again to see all the aspects that you have chosen to display in your choice of orbs (“Aspects” tab).

  • Relocation: In the “Tools” menu, select the “Relocation” item. You can vary the latitude and longitude and see as the chart in the center conforms to the new data. Here’s an example of how this new Relocation feature can be used to bring a planet to a particular angle. When you get what you want, you can take note of the coordinates or click on the button with the “Google Maps Position” icon that will take you to the chosen location.

  • Preference Sets: This window, accessible through the Preferences window, allows you to save all your current preferences and restore them at a desired time. All preferences are preserved: orbs, aspects, active planets, colors, etc.

    For instance, if you change the visibility and value of natal orbs for any search, you can keep them under a description. The description must be unique to help you identify the set of preferences (orbs, aspects, and others) that you want to save. To do this, click on the “New Set” button to make the “Description” field editable. After writing the description, click on the “Add” button. The new set will appear in the list.

    You can restore Mastro’s initial preferences (orbs, aspects, and others) by selecting the first item in the list (“Default Preferences...”) and clicking on the “Activate Set” button.

    You can also make any other set of preferences active. Select it from the list and click on “Activate Set”.

Thank you for your attention and good practice with these new features. If you have any questions, please contact us.